Good day.
I’m starting to create diagrams in BPMN Editor | bpmn-js modeler Demo | and ran into problems:
- How to change the stage size? This need arose due to the succinct descriptions of the stages.
- How to restore an accidentally deleted schema? As I understand it, the key combination to roll back an event does not work.
@Kondrmak Welcome to the forum!
- How to change the stage size? This need arose due to the succinct descriptions of the stages.
We don’t allow resizing for the reasons mentioned here. You can customize your own instance of the editor to allow resizing though.
A good practice is to keep task names short and concise, and convey additional details (if needed) through text annotations.
- How to restore an accidentally deleted schema?
I assume you’re using a Cyrillic
keyboard layout? We have an open bug that prevents you from undo/redo, cf. Undo/redo shortcuts don't work on Cyrillic keyboard layout · Issue #2108 · bpmn-io/bpmn-js · GitHub.
I assume you use positional shortcuts (actual keys on a US layout) to trigger undo/redo?