DMN Context not rendering in Modeler (dmn-js)

Hi team,
I am using the dmn-js to visualize/edit DMNs on a webpage. Some of these DMNs were created by other platforms (i.e. Kogito DMN Editor for VS Code) and contain objects like Context (combination of FEEL literal expression boxes and decision tables). These Context objects are currently not being rendered (I can see the outline of the object but there is no blue icon to drill down into it) and I am not sure what I am missing. dmn-js version installed: “^14.1.6”.

I’ve looked around the forums and saw this discussion indicating it may be supported?

My current imports:

import DmnModeler from 'dmn-js/lib/Modeler';
import { migrateDiagram } from '@bpmn-io/dmn-migrate';

import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/diagram-js.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-js-shared.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-js-drd.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-js-decision-table.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-js-decision-table-controls.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-js-literal-expression.css';
import 'dmn-js/dist/assets/dmn-font/css/dmn.css';

@qduchesneau Indeed we do not support yet support DMN context.

You can track Support DMN Level 3 conformance level · Issue #707 · bpmn-io/dmn-js · GitHub which collects a couple of related issues that would realize DMN level 3 support.

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