Adding import-export functionality to starter-dmn.js

Hi all,
it would be great to have a “open file” and “save file as” function in starter-dmn.js.

The export to the console-log is rather something for developers. If some business person (like me) would embed the modeler in his web-page, the starter-pack is not ready-to use like this.

Best regards!

Uploading and downloading files is outside of the scope of our toolkit. Therefore, these are not included in this basic example.

Why is it not included? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make it as easy as possible to use and spread the modeler-example, even for business ppl who are not deep into jscript and html? At least it is open-source and free to use. Or am I wrong?

I love the modeler and the example, but like this I cannot use it.

I think for jscript and htlml-pros it would be an easy task to add import / export ability to the example. Wouldn’t it?

The modeler example of bpmn-js can be used for inspiration to use it in dmn-js.

Hi Niklas,

thanks a lot for the input. :slight_smile:

Where in the html of the example would I paste that? In the script-section? And would it be sufficient to exchange all bpmn for dmn?

Sorry for my newbie-questions. But I’m not a teckie.