Wrong serialization for property loopMaximum in StandardLoopCharacteristics

The property “loopMaximum” of “StandardLoopCharacteristics” is not serialized as per schema definition.
In bpmn.io it is defined as an Expression but the schema defines it as an Integer.

bpmn.io definition:

	"name": "StandardLoopCharacteristics",
	  "superClass": [
	  "properties": [
	  "name": "testBefore",
	  "default": false,
	  "isAttr": true,
	  "type": "Boolean"
	  "name": "loopCondition",
	  "type": "Expression",
	  "xml": {
		"serialize": "xsi:type"
	  "name": "loopMaximum",
	  "type": "Expression",
	  "xml": {
		"serialize": "xsi:type"

BPMN schema definition:

<xsd:element name="standardLoopCharacteristics" type="tStandardLoopCharacteristics"  substitutionGroup="loopCharacteristics"/>
	<xsd:complexType name="tStandardLoopCharacteristics">
			<xsd:extension base="tLoopCharacteristics">
					<xsd:element name="loopCondition" type="tExpression" minOccurs="0"/>
				<xsd:attribute name="testBefore" type="xsd:boolean" default="false"/>
				<xsd:attribute name="loopMaximum" type="xsd:integer" use="optional"/>

Version 1.3.2 bpmnjs still has this problem.
I cannot add a StandardLoopCharacteristics element with for example loopMaximum=3 to a UserTask element. The modeler throws an error “Cannot read property ‘isGeneric’ of undefined”

This is an issue in bpmn-moddle. Please file a bug there and link this forum topic.

Fixed with bpmn-js@1.3.3.