Will the Diagram Diffing Demo Be Open Source?

Hi everyone,

I recently came across the Diagram Diffing demo at bpmn.io and I’m interested in building a similar tool with bpmn-js. I saw the following post from Diagram Diffing example source code, which mentioned that while the underlying diffing utility is available on GitHub as bpmn-js-differ, the code for the demo itself isn’t public:

“The code of the demo itself isn’t public but under the hood the diffing uses bpmn-js-differ: A diffing utility for BPMN 2.0 documents. You can have a look at that. The UI you’d have to build yourself.”

I’m curious if there are any plans to open-source the full Diagram Diffing demo or if there are any other related resources that could help me get started.

Thanks in advance for any insights!


It is a matter of priorities at this stage. What I could imagine is that we build this as an example, under bpmn-js-examples. We do not intend to open source the demo.bpmn.io site.

What concrete questions do you have, working with the differ?

I found some problems in the process of using this demo and would like to raise issues or pr.

That sounds awesome! Unfortunately we’re not setup for that right now. If you share your feedback here instead we can see how we address it. Alternatively you could contribute a basic differ example to our examples and we take it from there.