When adding a pool, the lane is automatically named, and when adding a lane, the lane is also automatically named

When adding a pool, the lane is automatically named, and when adding a lane, the lane is also automatically named? Where do I write methods? Thanks!

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Thanks :heart:

This same as Default lane on create new pool
I’m sorry that I just started using this forum and I can’t use it well.But no one answered the question, so I asked it again.

What you describe sounds like a custom modeling behavior for me. You could have a look at the existing CreateParticipantBehavior and extend it to your custom one, using the modeling#updateLabel to change the label of the created lane of a participant / pool.

thank you so much, but getting the currently added Lane is so hard…

when add a lane,“modeling.addLane(element,‘top’)”,I can’t get the new lane’s id. Here’s what I did:before “addLane”, obtained all lanes through"canvas._rootElement.businessObject.paticipants[0].processRef.laneSets[0].lanes"(because only allow one pool), then “addLane”,then"canvas._rootElement.businessObject.paticipants[0].processRef.laneSets[0].lanes" again. Then look for the difference between the two arrays, get the new lane. In the end, “modeling.updateLabel()”.