Want to add custom attribute in bpmn:Task but I can't

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to add a custom attribute to an existing bpmn element that is bpmn:Task it took me 3 days but still no success can you help me how can I do it
I’m using angular 15 and following is the approach I have used

@ViewChild('canvas') canvas: ElementRef;
modeler: BpmnModeler;

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    this.modeler = new BpmnModeler({
        container: this.canvas.nativeElement,
        moddleExtensions: {
            custom: customDescriptor

    if (this.xml) {
    } else {

    const eventBus: any = this.modeler.get('eventBus');

    const events = [

    events.forEach((event) => {

        eventBus.on(event, (e) => {

            this.selectedActivity = e.element;

            if (this.selectedActivity.type == "bpmn:Task") {
                this.visible = true;


updateModeler(xml: string) {
    this.xml = xml;

handleObjectChangeActivity(event: ObjectChangeInformation) {

    const modeling: Modeling = this.modeler.get('modeling');
    const elementRegistry: any = this.modeler.get('elementRegistry');

    const taskElement = elementRegistry.get(this.selectedActivity.id);

    if (taskElement) {

        modeling.updateProperties(taskElement, {
            'custom:myCustomAttribute': 'Your Value Here'

        this.modeler.saveXML({ format: true });
        console.log('xml =>', this.xml);

    } else {
        console.error('Task not found');


the customDescriptor is as follow
“name”: “Custom”,
“uri”: “http://yourcompanyxyzavs.com/schema/bpmn/custom”,
“prefix”: “custom”,
“xml”: {
“tagAlias”: “lowerCase”
“types”: [
“name”: “ExtTask”,
“extends”: [
“properties”: [
“name”: “myCustomAttribute”,
“isAttr”: true,
“type”: “String”
“emumerations”: ,

I applied many ways but could not get any success

also took help from followign source