Useservice('modeling') returning cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'context') camunda modeler

Wohoo… u made my day, the solution works like a pro.
Also I have an additional question here, I went through the plugin docs, bpmn-properties panel has a set of compenents by itself like textfield entry and selectentry and so on…

But in my usecase i want to add a dialog box, which isn’t a component that bpmn provides, so to achieve this can i use react ?

I have a bad experience using react with bpmn as its not able to run the modeler as it throws the following error : Custom Prop for Service Tasks: `TypeError Cannot add property __, object is not extensible`

So i went ahead with preact apporach which again requires external css import, but that again causes me the problem as raised here : Unable to import CSS into bpmn property panel - #3 by Martin

So can u give me the more cleaner way or approach to add custom react components or preact with css onto this plugin approach ?

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