Use of suprocess and levels in process mapping

Hi Everyone,

I am now working on process mapping and I have a question regarding the use of subprocesses.

I built a level 2 process map with 5 processes. I then built one level 3 process map for each level 2 one. For one of the L3 processes, I am reusing, as subprocesses, two L2 processes. However, I do not know whether it is correct/possible. What do you think?

I attached a simplified version of what I mean.

Many many thanks in advance for your support. Best. Mathieu


Technically, re-using the processes 1.3 and 1.4 would be done using a call activity (similar, but different to sub processes).

BPMN isn’t made for process mapping. For instance, while your level 2 map is correct, the meaning implied by BPMN is that all tasks are done in parallel.