Uncheck the plugin

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘dom’ of null
at a.focus (oryx.core.js:1)
at a._handleMouseDown (oryx.core.js:1)
at a.handleEvents (oryx.core.js:1)
at a.eventHandlerCallback (prototype-1.5.1.js:105)
at a._delegateEvent (oryx.core.js:1)
at HTMLDivElement. (prototype-1.5.1.js:105)
focus @ oryx.core.js:1
_handleMouseDown @ oryx.core.js:1
handleEvents @ oryx.core.js:1
(anonymous) @ prototype-1.5.1.js:105
_delegateEvent @ oryx.core.js:1
(anonymous) @ prototype-1.5.1.js

I cant uncheck the plugin that i have added Waiting for reply

Hi @shamsri,

can you please be more specific, what you are trying to achieve with which of our tools. This makes it a lot easier for us to help. Thanks!

I added a plugin… but i need to uncheck the plugin… I cant do that… May be the issue is with script in oryx core.js I can’t drag the tools inside the canvas area

This is not a forum for the oryx editor. For a modern BPMN modelling toolkit, check out https://bpmn.io/toolkit/bpmn-js/