To add Input/Output parameter properties panel tab for process Element

Hi team, How can we add an input/output parameter tab similar to call activity for the <bpmn: process> element tag using <bpmn:extensionElements> and <camunda:inputParameter> for input output parameter value.

      <camunda:inputParameter name="resourceId">fd1</camunda:inputParameter>
        <camunda:inputParameter name="resourceMap"><camunda:map>
        <camunda:inputParameter name="resourceList">
          <camunda:entry key="wait_time">1</camunda:entry>
        <camunda:outputParameter name="outputList">

Input/output tab UI should look like this, when click on anywhere in the process window:

This may be implemented as a Camunda Desktop Modeler plug-in. Please checkout if that helps you.

I’m still not sure why you’d want to add this input and output mapping to the process. It will not be recognized by the Camunda engine.

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