Thesis: LLM-based BPMN generation using bpmn-js

Hi bpmn-io community,

I am currently finishing my bachelor’s thesis in which I developed a web application that embeds bpmn-js for modeling and visualizing BPMN diagrams and includes an LLM interface to enable process model generation based on textual descriptions of business processes. I used a BPMN generation server which uses an LLM (currently GPT-4o) by applying prompt-engineering techniques to generate a BPMN diagram (I explored two ways, generating executable code or generating XML code directly). Using API calls, my bpmn-js app can retreive the generated diagram and display it in the editor for the user to either further edit it or download it.

It might be a very insignifcant project, but in case it might be of any interest to you, let me know and I would be happy to share my thesis with you, once it is done.



@azubenko That surely sounds interesting.

I know of some other projects such as that attempt to do something similar, and from what I heard research is ongoing at Camunda, too.

I’d be happy to check what you accomplished.

@azubenko omg thats pretty cool!!! I wonder if you have finished your thesis? actually I’ve been looking for a while exactly what you’re attempting to do, so it would be really nice to see what have you done!! Best, Vicente :3

@homunculito I’ve got a tool that does this.
Feel free to try it here (free, no sign up):

Screenshot of it:

@azubenko sounds cool! Yes, please share :slightly_smiling_face:.

Thank you!!! i tried and it works really nice.

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