The I/O specification tab not show when add plugin 'camunda-modeler-process-io-specification-plugin'

I added the plugin ‘camunda-modeler-process-io-specification-plugin’ to Camunda Modeler v4.5.0 but the I/O specification tab not show after I put the plugin to: ~/Library/Application Support/camunda-modeler/plugins/,
steps to reproduce

  1. download Camunda Modeler V4.5.0 ( and install
  2. copy “camunda-modeler-process-io-specification-plugin” to: ~/Library/Application Support/camunda-modeler/plugins/ (this plugin download on
  3. open Camunda Modeler
    do you have any ideas? thank you

Hi @Nguyen_Mai, welcome!

We currently have issues with custom properties provider via plugins inside the Modeler: That’s why some plugins are currently not working with the latest Modeler versions.

Thanks for your reply
But now I would like to run a plugin with the current version of Camunda, how can I trick the code to make it work, or is there any way to do that? I already followed the way on but it seems not be working with my case.
thank for support

What would work is to remove or uncomment this plugin and create your custom version of the Modeler. In this case, your plugin would work again, since the internal plugin is not declaring it’s PropertiesProvider any longer. You would also not be able to use the Catalog Modal anymore, of course.

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Can we change the code in plugin instead of change in modeler?

The Catalog Modal is an internal plugin, so it’s part of the codebase and can not be updated separately.