Text node adjusting for long text

is there a possibility that the text of a text-node behaves as the task element
on the right? Currently it looks as follows, which is not nice for long text:


Thanks very much!

Can you share the part of your code where you render the label? When rendering a label you can specify the maximum width and height for the laid out text.

sure, it is the same code as from my question according the fixed position.
In this case it refers to “text2”:

drawShape(parentNode, element) {
    if(this.getType(element) == "bpmn:SemanticTask") {
        var inner = drawRectangle(parentNode, element.width-20, element.height-35, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS, COLOR_BLACK);
        let text2 = svgCreate('text'); 
		svgAttr(inner, {
				transform: 'translate(10, 20)'
		drawRectangle(parentNode, element.width, element.height, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS, COLOR_BLACK);
		let text = svgCreate('text'); 
			svgAttr(text, {
				fill: 'black', 
				transform: 'translate(25, 15)'
      svgAttr(text2, {
				fill: 'black', 
				transform: 'translate(25, 50)'
      let text3 = svgCreate('text');
      svgAttr(text3, {
        fill: 'black',
        transform: 'translate(21, 78)'
      const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);
      var { TaskName } = businessObject;
      if(TaskName == undefined) TaskName = "";
        var { name } = businessObject;
        if(name == undefined) name = "";
			svgAppend(text, document.createTextNode(TaskName)); 
      svgAppend(parentNode, text);
      svgAppend(text2, document.createTextNode(name));
      svgAppend(parentNode, text2);
      svgAppend(text3, document.createTextNode('Semantic'));
      svgAppend(parentNode, text3);
    return inner;

So you’re not using the Text utility that is used to render labels of BPMN elements and makes sure they fit a specific width and height?

@vdeppe I guess it makes sense if you share a CodeSandbox that show cases your (related) issues in a way that we can inspect it.

This way we can help you in a constructive manner.

Here is the link for the sandbox: https://ocy2u.csb.app/

The corresponding code is under: custom/CustomRenderer.js

Thanks in advance!