Should I extend PropertyPanelProvider or Simple HTML Code


I am new to BPMN and currently exploring property panel and customizing the controls.

I am able to add property panel and add groups and controls also, but i am under a feeling that if I need to have very complex forms/html designs in each tab where data should be pulled using web services, event listeners to each control and implementing the same with extending the property panel provider it is going to be very difficult. Also I want to have accordion instead of tabs.

So is there any way to design everything in simple HTML tags/elements and generate the BPMN XML.

Since the PropertiesPanel is also a module which can be plugged into the Modeler, it’s possible to create a completely custom PropertiesPanel, e.g. with accordion style instead of tabs or another complex form logic. I think it’s not possible to do this via PropertiesPanelProvider, you will have to create your own PropertiesPanel.

We have a react example on how to create a completely custom implementation of a PropertiesPanel.