saveXML not saving all ScriptTask properties

Create SCRIPT TASK. In properties panel, enter a value for Format. Select a Type of External resource. Enter values for Resource, and Result variable. Call saveXML. Import the saved XML. The XML contains the Format, but does not contain the Type, Resource, or Result variable.

Create SCRIPT TASK. In properties panel, enter a value for Format. Select a Type of Inline script. Enter values for Script and Result variable. Call saveXML. Import the saved XML. The XML contains Format, Type, and Script, but does not contain the Result variable.

“react”: “^18.2.0”,
@bpmn-io/properties-panel”: “^1.7.0”,
“bpmn-js”: “^12.1.1”,
“bpmn-js-properties-panel”: “^1.21.0”,

browser: Firefox 111.0.1



ResolverTemplate.bpmn.xml (12.5 KB)

@Mark_Arnold You use the Camunda 7 properties provider it seems like? How do you bootstrap the editor? Do you include the camunda moddle extension?