Questions about BPMN.IO

I think BPMN.IO is a very great, easy to use tool. I like the company philosophy to provide the best possible BPMN tools. And I must say BPMN IO is really the best BPMN tool I have worked with.
This is exactly the reason why I have chosen BPMN IO to present it in my university. In the context of a module called Business Process Modeling with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Kees at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.
However, it would be nice if anyone could answer some of the following questions:
I need this because I make a company portfolio
How many users are using the tool?
Are there any partner companies besides Camunda?
Is there a financial report ?

Hi Fabian,

great to hear that you like and want to present it in your seminar. What is the main focus of the presentation? What research have you done so far into the tools?

As to your questions: A lot of the infos are already available on our About | page. For users, did you already have a look at public github or npm statistics about downloads, forks or others that you could use?

Hope this helps!