I have a question regarding process ID validation in properties panel. Currently, when there is a space or special character, I get a red-coloured message as below, and when I save process - the process ID cuts all the spaces/special characters and the process is saved with this self-modified ID.
I’m wondering if there is any solution to at least catch those erros on process ID input change or modify/override this validation?
The minimum I would like to achieve is to simply clear the Process ID field on save when there is an error detected.
The minimum I would like to achieve is to simply clear the Process ID field on save when there is an error detected.
The modeler saves the “last good known ID” you entered. If you enter ABC DEF then ABC is likely the last wellknown ID it picked up (and hence saved). What other behavior would you expect?
I would expect, that incorrect ID will not let me save the process instead of saving with some modified ID. User should be aware of an error on save.
If there would be any chance to get errors in properties panel on typing (or some change event), I could at least prevent saving the process and not let it be saved with cut ID.