Need help on dynamically creating bpmn diagram

I want to create bpmn digram from json data.Is it possible to create bpmn file from json dynamically?.Is there any library to refer it and convert it to bpmn file and use viewer?.
please replay.

You could use bpmn-js-cli.

I need to convert json array to bpmn-xml programatically .Is it possible in a dynamic way?
Thanks in advance.

Yes it is. Read the JSON and create your BPMN diagram using the tool that @philippfromme mentioned.

There is no JSON to XML converter available at this stage I believe that makes this “magically” work.

is there any other solution, or parser that can read the json in specific format and can produce bpmn xml?

and this cli works with bpmn-js only, cant use it independently to create a parser?

Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I’m looking to, through a PHP application, feed BpmnJS generated data. JSON would be best, but XML is doable too. I see in the walkthrough is shows an event shape object, but it’s not clear if I just feed that into a new instance of BpmnJS().

Is there a list of properties documented somewhere to help be better understand how to build an event shape object, or is that it?

I’m just looking for more context, examples, and documentation that touch on these kinds of things.

I don’t think there will ever be a widely available JSON to XML utility for XML since it’s not defined anywhere what such JSON would look like. It’s entirely dependend on the individual use case. With GitHub - bpmn-io/bpmn-moddle: Read and write BPMN 2.0 XML from JavaScript. and GitHub - bpmn-io/bpmn-auto-layout: Layout BPMN diagrams, generating missing DI information. you have all the tools available to create your own. Just to give you an idea what such a utility might look like, I’ve built one myself recently: bpmn-gpt/src/chatbot/generator.js at main · philippfromme/bpmn-gpt · GitHub

we have created our own function/solution that can create xml from json as well

A tool I’ve built, BA Copilot, creates a BPMN diagram from JSON, like you’ve asked for.

As @philippfromme said, there is no definition of how to do the conversion.
So the tool infers from the json what the BPMN diagram probably should look like.

You can try it here:
(free, no sign up)