Navigated viewer with the prepackaged libraries

Hi, I am currently using this Viewer example in my application:

I would rather have the NavigatedViewer style in my application. Or a readonly Modeller so to speak…

How can I do this with the pre-packaged libraries?


We don’t bundle the navigated viewer right now but it could be something to add in the future.

That would be nice!

I saw an example somewhere that I had to add modules to the viewer… do you have an example how to do that with the packages bundle?

You may pass additional configuration to the individual DMN viewers via their viewer ID (defined here). Using this mechanism you may pass the additional navigation modules to the drd viewer:

<script src=""></script>
  var MoveCanvasModule = ...;
  var ZoomScrollModule = ...;
  var viewer = new DmnJS({
    container: '#someEl',
    drd: {
      additionalModules: [


Silly question… what do I put into the …?