Lock Modeler canvas


I would like to fix the canvas position so it can not be accidentally changed while dragging some components or by using the hand tool.

The idea is to have the position fixed as the viewer does.

Is this possible ?

I am using bpmn version v0.20.6 (just updated)

Thank you !


you can simply override the modules that implement these features with empty modules:

var modeler = new BpmnModeler({
  // ...
  additionalModules: [
      moveCanvas: [ 'value', '' ],
      zoomScroll: [ 'value', '' ]


That’s a great idea,

Thank you !

I’m pretty new to BPMN.io & only recently started using it.
I’m trying to use Modeler but only want limited features to be implemented like Zoom, Move. Maybe in the future iteration of my Agular project I might add more features as required but currently I only need zoom & move feature.
How do I lock the other features? The method you mentioned above seems like it could work for my use case. Where can I check out list of additionalModules/modules to set it as empty?
I’d have used Viewer but can’t use Zoom feature with it.

Thank you.