Is there a way to preserve CDATA export in XML

Related to this topic, is there a way to preserve the CDATA tags?

Why would you like to do that? Where did you get a diagram with <CDATA segments from?

Because we have another application that does parsing of the output and it needs to have the <CDATA in as we insert characters that will be tagged by the parser as invalid xml.

So I am using this.modeler.saveXML and I just wonder if there is a switch that you can use something like

this.modeler.saveXML({format: true, preserveCDATA: true}, function(err, xml) {

Generally speaking it should not matter whether to user CDATA or entity encoding.

This makes me wonder: Do we fail to properly encode certain entities? Or is the parser incapable of properly dealing with encoded entities? Please share an example that is invalid XML according to your parser.

I met the problem, too.
And I find that the newest version of bpmn-moddle which is not use moddle-xml@6.0.0 is 3.0.2.I try to modify bpmm-moddle version in dependencies of package.json .The CDATA can output

Please do not necrobump old topics.

My previous comment raised a question that was not answered. You could ask yourself the same question, too.

If you come up with a convincing case why CDATA is superior to entity escaping lay out your case and link to this thread from new topic.
