Integration in to a JavaFX application

Hi there,

I try to integrate a bpmn-io script in to a JavaFX application. The code you can find here. The script draws a bpmn diagram. The user can mark nodes and arcs by overlays and the script shows the id’s of the marked nodes and arcs. The script also supports zooming. In a Firefox Browser it works well. You can test it with indexBrowser.html.

When I call this script by JavaFX (, the diagrams are shown also, but when I click on a node, the overlays for marking are shown with a different zoom factor and it is not possible to click on a arc.

Do you have an idea for solving this problems?


I am not a JavaFX expert. One thing you should figure out is how JavaFX is rendering the diagram. We require a decently modern Webbrowser due to the techniques we use.

Overlays for instance rely on a CSS transform that may not be available in JavaFX.

For configering the JavaFX webView component I need the size of the bpmn diagram.
Can I compute this with BPMN.IO tools?
Mannually, I search the highest bound values in the BPMNShape section of the bpmn xml file.

BR Christian

Try canvas.viewbox(). That gives you the size of the current viewport and the size of the diagram.


in Firefox console I got the message: TypeError: canvas.viewbox is not a function

BR Christian

Well, it is available on my computer and on GitHub at least.

sorry, I called it at the wrong place.

Now I have
// create viewer
var BpmnViewer = window.BpmnJS;
var bpmnViewer = new BpmnViewer({
container: ‘#canvas

// import diagram
bpmnViewer.importXML(xml, function(err) {

  if (err) {
    return console.error('could not import BPMN 2.0 diagram', err);

  var canvas = bpmnViewer.get('canvas'),
      overlays = bpmnViewer.get('overlays'),
      eventBus = bpmnViewer.get('eventBus');

  alert("size "+canvas.viewbox());

and the alert produce “size [object Object]” , but I want the size of the actual viewbox.
What is my mistake?

… now I can send an alert with the values of viewbox.

function showBpmnDiagram(filePath, zoom){

  // import function
  function importXML(xml) {

    // create viewer
    var BpmnViewer = window.BpmnJS;
    var bpmnViewer = new BpmnViewer({
        container: '#canvas'

    // import diagram
    bpmnViewer.importXML(xml, function(err) {

      if (err) {
        return console.error('could not import BPMN 2.0 diagram', err);

      var canvas = bpmnViewer.get('canvas'),
          overlays = bpmnViewer.get('overlays'),
          eventBus = bpmnViewer.get('eventBus');

      var box = canvas.viewbox();
      alert("width: "+box.width+" height: "+box.height+" x: "+box.x+" y: "+box.y);

  // load external bpmn diagram file via AJAX and import it
  $.get(filePath, importXML, 'text');

I want to use the var box as a return value of showBpmnDiagram. Is this posible?

No, that is not possible. You need to provide a callback (because loading is asynchronous).

function showDiagram(..., callback) {
  // on done...


I assume, that the canvas.viewbox() gives the size of the actual window inside the browser. When I change the size of the browser, then the size of canvas.viewbox() is also changed. My diagram is bigger than my actual viewbox, following only a part of the diagram is painted inside the actual viewbox.

For my application I need the size of a box that covers the whole diagram. Do you know a convienient method?

Thanks Christian


with some experiments I have found that
var box = canvas.viewbox().inner;

covers the whole diagram. Is this right?

That is correct. Documentation could be better for that part of the code :wink:.

By the way. Are you interested in providing a minimal publicly available example how to use bpmn-js with JavaFX? We could link that from the forum and our example repository and it could be a great contribution to the project.

Yes, I can do that, but at the moment my code has one, I hope the last, bug.

The script supports the marking of nodes, arcs, anotations, ect with:
var markNewLT = null, markNewLB = null, markNewRT = null, markNewRB = null;
var markOldLT = null, markOldLB = null, markOldRT = null, markOldRB = null;

  // event handler
  eventBus.on('', function(e) {
    // elemente markieren begin
    markOldLT = markNewLT;
    markOldLB = markNewLB;
    markOldRT = markNewRT;
    markOldRB = markNewRB;
    if(markOldLT != null) { overlays.remove(markOldLT); }
    if(markOldLB != null) { overlays.remove(markOldLB); }
    if(markOldRT != null) { overlays.remove(markOldRT); }
    if(markOldRB != null) { overlays.remove(markOldRB); }
    markNewLT = overlays.add(, 'note', {
      position: { top: 0, left: 0 },
      html: '<div style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: red;"></div>'
    markNewLB = overlays.add(, 'note', {
      position: { bottom: 0, left: 0 },
      html: '<div style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: red;"></div>'
    markNewRT = overlays.add(, 'note', {
      position: { top: 0, right: 0 },
      html: '<div style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: red;"></div>'
    markNewRB = overlays.add(, 'note', {
      position: { bottom: 0, right: 0 },
      html: '<div style="width: 10px; height: 10px; background: red;"></div>'
    // elemente markieren end

This works well in the firefox browser, but in my JavaFX application nodes, anotations, swimlines, ect. are marked, but no arcs. I think the reason is, that an arc is a line and has either no width or no height. I assume by rendering the diagram in JavaFX it can not detect objects with no width or no height. To check this, please send me the a link to the code where the detecting is managed.

Thanks, Christian

Hi Nikku,

here is the code of my viewer application. The zip includes a README with remarks and hints.
You can publish it in your example collection. Please inform me when it is published. Then I will delete the link.

Thanks, Christian