Integrate Camunda modeler in Angular app

Hi, Hope you all are good. I’ve a first experience with camunda, So I want to add/integrate camunda in my angular application. Anyone can gyide/help me with step y step proper procedure to ntegrate it in my Angular app.


this example should be helpful: GitHub - bpmn-io/bpmn-js-example-angular: An example how to integrate bpmn-js with an Angular application.

Furthermore, feel free to search the forum for existing topics. There should be plenty.

Yes I already complete it before. Furthermore I want to add all the options like toolbar and configuration which is usde to create a proper workflow from here. That is missing in this example

So you want a modeler instead of a viewer?

Yes my brother. I want to integrate a proper modeler in my angular prjoect. Where I can create my own custom bpmn file.

The example bootstraps a modeler already. What are you referring to by

all the options like toolbar and configuration which is usde to create a proper workflow from here