Improvement and suggestion

as you see when we zoom or the user’s monitor does not have enough resolution they will see the panel and the other parts like this:


how can I solve this issue?
any idea?

I have done this issue by using these codes, hope help u too:

@media (min-resolution: 0.2dppx) {
body {
background: red;
.djs-container {
overflow: auto !important;


/* Styles for standard resolution displays */
@media (max-resolution: 1dppx) {
body {
background: transparent;
.djs-container {
overflow: hidden !important;

and the results are:

when the resolution is lower than usual or zoomed more than 100%:

in this case, you can scroll the left side to see other icons and icons

when the zoom level is 100% or standard resolution, the display will be like this:

this issue solved :heavy_check_mark:

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