I cannot move the dmn diagram on the viewer

Hello everyone. I really need your help. I want to add the possibility to click on the DMN diagram, keep the clicked mouse and move the diagram.

I want the same functionality as here: https://demo.bpmn.io/dmn/s/check-order

I have the next functions:
public changeNavigation($event?: boolean): void {
$event ? this.enableNavigation() : this.disableNavigation();
public enableNavigation(): void {
try {
const handTool = this.getHandTool();
} catch (error) {

public disableNavigation(): void {
try {
const handTool = this.getHandTool();
} catch (error) {

private getHandTool() {
const activeViewer = this.dmnViewer.getActiveViewer();
const handTool = activeViewer.get(‘handTool’); // Use the registered name for the hand tool
if (!handTool) {
throw new Error(‘Hand tool is not available.’);
return handTool;

private activateHandTool(handTool: any) {
if (handTool.activateHand) {
} else {
throw new Error(‘Hand tool activation method is not available.’);

private deactivateHandTool(handTool: any) {
if (handTool.deactivate) {
} else {
throw new Error(‘Hand tool deactivation method is not available.’);

Can you elaborate on what feature you want to implement? All functionality found at https://demo.bpmn.io/dmn/s/check-order comes built-in with dmn-js.