How to update XML when attributes changed pragmatically in service task?

i am able to update service task properties in properties panel but that changes are not reflecting in XML. my custom menu provider code is like below.

     private setModelerTemplateValue(element: any, elementShape: any) {
        this.selectedTaskId = element.delegateTarget.getAttribute("data-id")
        elementShape.businessObject.set("camunda:modelerTemplate", this.selectedTaskId + "-customTask");

    getEntries(element) {
        let result = super.getEntries(element);
        var replaceElement = this.bpmnReplace.replaceElement;
        var replaceAction = (event) => {
            this.setModelerTemplateValue(event, element);
            return replaceElement(element, {
                type: 'bpmn:ServiceTask'
        var action = action || replaceAction;
        if (element.type && == "customTask") {
            let group = this.taskGroupJson.find(item => item.groupName === element.groupName);
            if (group && group.tasks) {
                element.businessObject.set("rtName", group.groupName)
                element.businessObject.set("id", group.groupName);
                element.rtName = group.groupName;
                let taskActions = [];
                group.tasks.forEach(item => {
                            label: item.taskName,
                            className: item.iconName,
                            target: {
                                type: item.type,
                            action: action
                result = taskActions;
        return result;

like in above image custom fields are loading in diagram but those are not available in XML.
please suggest me is there any event to trigger to update the XML?