Hi guys
I have a general question about some BPMN concepts (not the BPMN.IO tools) and i will be appreciate if you help me find the answer.
I want to model a process which contains a part that should be done by user in a system.
This part has a lots of steps. For example user should first sign up to system and he should fill a form for that. I want to model also the validation process of the form in my BPMN process (because i need to document the whole process in details) . for example check if the username is unique, the password has the required length and a few more rules. please consider that this parts should be in details i mean all the conditions and possibilities should be model in details.
My question is that how i should model this parts in my BPMN diagrams ? Do i should still use BPMN for that or i have to use some UML behavioral diagrams such as state machine or activity diagram for this purpose ? If No, how to connect my BPMN models with those UML diagrams and is this kind of modeling (mixing BPMN and UML together) valid and standard ?
And if Yes, how to model behavioral details of a system in details with BPMN ? for example checking that if a text field for phone number contains only numeric values should be a service Task ? and for containing Lane of this Task what should be the name of Lane ? “System” maybe ?
Thank you all very much
Hi @bpmnUser,
have a look at this process model: http://www.bpm-guide.de/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Engine-Collab.png.
An example for your use case is the collaboration between the pools of the 1st Level Support Agent and the Trouble Ticket System: The single user tasks in the trouble ticket system edit 1st level ticket consists of three steps for the user in front of the screen: Classify ticket, Handle 1st level issue, Document 1st level result.
And everything is well documented in a single collaboration diagram.
Hope This helps, Ingo
Hi @Ingo_Richtsmeier and thank you so much for your reply
I saw the process model you attached but i think my use case is a little different from that. Actually, i want to know is it true to model the behavior of a system (in details) in a process model ?
For example please look at this process model :
This diagram shows a common process of registering a user in a system
The second lane which named as “System” represent the behavior of system when user clicks on register button.
My question is that is this kind of modeling true or not ? because the second lane is completely represent the behavior of a system and i think for modeling behavior of a system we should use UML diagrams like State Machine or Activity Diagram not the BPMN !
If this kind of modeling is not acceptable, how should i model that ?
Hi @bpmnUser,
from the modeling standpoint, there is no “true” or “false”.
A real world process can be expressed in different ways with the BPMN 2.0 standard.
Your approach is valid for an automation approach and puts everything in a single pool. The name of the lanes are just hints for the reader.
At the end, the group of stakeholders of the process should agree on a common understanding of the process model.
As a consultant I like it to discuss different diagrams representing the same business process and balance the alternatives.
There is only one issue with your process: The joining parallel gateway should be exchanged with a joining exclusive gateway. Otherwise the process will stop here, as the gateways waits for tokens that can never arrive.
Hope this helps, Ingo
Thank you so much for your time