How to integrate DMN table invocation in BPMN in node js project

I am new to Node Js , I am trying to create a bpmn diagram where my dmn file has to be evaluated for some conditions.
But I am not able to invoke my dmn table from my node js.
I am attaching my bpmn diag, dmn diag and server.js file which has all the logic of integrating dmn inside businessruleTask.

I need the section to be mentioned in server.js to invoke this dmn diagram in bpmn for execution, if i need to import something or what is to be done.

ChooseLang.dmn (1.5 KB)
diagram.bpmn (17.0 KB)

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Thanks :heart:

Have updated the post. Can I get any suggestions now?
I am not able to integrate dmn table evaluation in bpmn diagram through node js.

I can see that you are using Camunda Platform in the business rule task:

    <businessRuleTask id="businessRule" name="Business Rule" camunda:decisionRef="chooselang" implementation="${}">

Passing the decision ID via camunda:decisionRef is a proper way to invoke DMN decisions in that engine.

I don’t know how NodeJS is related to your problem. NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime which does not by itself offer anything BPMN and DMN related.

Still, if you have a problem with execution of BPMN, I believe you should ask on the engine’s forum, namely There are experts out there who can help. Note that is a project around modeling and our tools allow to model but not to automate.