How to inject field instead of property to

I have succeeded in creating a custom element + model extension by following the info here:

I’ve created an extension with a property like:

      properties: [
          name: "exampleString",
          isAttr: true,
          type: "String"

and I am able to update this custom property when left clicking on this element with the use of the following function:

  initializeListener = () => {
    this.modeler.on("element.contextmenu", 1200, event => {
      const { element } = event;

      if (element.type === "bpmn:ServiceTask") {
        const modeling = this.modeler.get("modeling");

        modeling.updateProperties(element, {
          exampleString: "hello world"

        console.log("custom string added");

My question is, how to I gain the ability to inject a complex object or some expression?

Do I use a “field” in some way?

Documentation seems sparse in this area, so thank you very much for your help.

This is exactly what this example does:

Thanks for pointing me towards that.


      name: "Process",
      extends: ["bpmn:Process"],
      properties: [
          name: "exampleFloat",
          isAttr: true,
          type: "Float"


      if (element.type === "bpmn:ServiceTask") {
        const modeling = this.modeler.get("modeling");
        const moddle = this.modeler.get("moddle");
        const extensionElements = moddle.create("bpmn:ExtensionElements");

        modeling.updateProperties(element, {
          exampleFloat: { testKey: "testValue", testKey2: "testValue2" }

        console.log("custom object added");

is giving me an XML output like:

<bpmn2:serviceTask id="ServiceTask_08jpi4l" name="st" exampleFloat="[object Object]">

Please let me know if you happen to see what I am doing wrong exactly, and thanks again.

Please look at the example again. It’s doing exactly what you want to do.

Sorry, don’t see it.

Have been debugging this for way too many hours, so please let me know if you happen to understand the mistake.

Thanks for your help anyway.

Okay, here’s a complete example. It doesn’t get simpler than this.