How to get Modeler like


I’m triying to install bpm-js locally.

Just now, my enviromment is npm 4.4.2, nodejs v7.7.2, grunt-cli v1.2.0 and grunt v0.4.5.

bpm-js sources was donwloaded and running rpm run all show:

PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 1051 of 1060 (skipped 9) SUCCESS (3 mins 6.258 secs / 41.237 secs)

Running “bundle:viewer” (bundle) task
bundled [5465ms]
extracted source map [33ms]
minified [7415ms]
added banner [383ms]
all saved [53ms]

Running “bundle:navigated_viewer” (bundle) task
bundled [2958ms]
extracted source map [27ms]
minified [5764ms]
added banner [590ms]
all saved [37ms]

Running “bundle:modeler” (bundle) task
bundled [8023ms]
extracted source map [45ms]
minified [14832ms]
added banner [14154ms]
all saved [108ms]

Running “copy:bpmn_js” (copy) task
Created 4 directories, copied 6 files

Running “copy:diagram_js” (copy) task
Created 1 directories, copied 1 file

Done, without errors.

Execution Time (2017-03-12 16:37:55 UTC)
eslint:check 7.8s ▇▇ 3%
karma:single 3m 23.9s ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 75%
bundle:viewer 13.4s ▇▇ 5%
bundle:navigated_viewer 9.4s ▇▇ 3%
bundle:modeler 37.2s ▇▇▇▇▇▇ 14%
Total 4m 31.9s

I was donwloaded commenting example and is work perfectly using grunt auto-build so I can use it browsing to my localhost:9013.

But my question is: What should I do for running bpmn-js and get a page like ? If I execute grunt or npm run, only get some test, so what is the rigth way for get the bpmn-js running?

Thank you very much and excellent work

Checkout the modeler example that should get you started.

Thank you very much… I see the light! It work :smiley: