I want to make my own custom element for camunda forms
So I started by downloading this ===>>> https://github.com/bpmn-io/form-js-examples/tree/master/custom-components
And i followed the example of how to make a custom range element. That was all fine.
My ultimate goal is I want to create a dynamic list with a maximum of 5 elements.
The default dynamic list can add elements to the list by dragging an element (like a text field) over the dynamic list. here you can see the before and after of adding elements to a default dynamic list.
ive tried to recreate the dynamic list. But I’m not sure how they handle adding new elements to the list. This is my attempt at dynamic list.
How are elements added to a dynamic list? what functions or properties are used or what may i be missing?
I imagine I might need to add stuff to my CustomPropertiesProvider.js but im just not sure what?
How can I find out how new elements are added to dynamic lists in the default dynamic list?
Many thanks
ps, heres my full code in case anyone wants to see it.
go to “Trying_to_recreate_dynamic_list\custom-components” and enter “npm run dev” to start
my “Trying_to_recreate_dynamic_list\custom-components\app\extension\render\max5dynamiclist.js” file is where i created my own custom dynamic list.
I would include code snippets but 1) it might be very big and 2) I dont think it would help. Nothings broken, I just dont know how to add some functionality.