How can I set ConditionalEventDefinition expression?

When I make conditional intermediate catch event element, a condtion expression should be set. But I can’t find which method can be set the expression value? Could someone make any suggestions? Thanks

The expression props is below:

    const getValue = () => {
        const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);
        var condition = businessObject.conditionExpression;

        if (condition)
            return condition.body;
            return '';

    const setValue = value => {
        const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);
        const conditionObject = businessObject.eventDefinitions[0];
        var expression = conditionObject.condition;
        expression.text = value;

        return modeling.updateProperties(element, {
            conditionExpression: expression

The xml content is below:

    <bpmn2:intermediateCatchEvent id="Event_1com9as" sf:guid="060168fc-14b9-47ca-c187-6d05239ac082" element="[object Object]">
      <bpmn2:conditionalEventDefinition id="ConditionalEventDefinition_1y79d9l">
        <bpmn2:condition xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression" />

The condition node in xml should be updated with the expression value, but it seems that I made the wrong usage of the modeling.updateProperties() method or its arguments. The error information is below.

unhandled error in event listener TypeError: businessObject.sourceRef is undefined
    ReplaceConnectionBehavior ReplaceConnectionBehavior.js:171
    invokeFunction EventBus.js:519
    _invokeListener EventBus.js:371
    _invokeListeners EventBus.js:352
    fire EventBus.js:313
    _fire CommandStack.js:356
    _internalExecute CommandStack.js:431
    execute CommandStack.js:153
    updateProperties Modeling.js:98
    setValue ExpressionProps.js:44
    handleChange index.esm.js:1499
    node_modules index.js:2920
    fire index.esm.js:413
    setTimeout handler*schedule index.esm.js:418
    fire index.esm.js:410
    setTimeout handler*schedule index.esm.js:418
    fire index.esm.js:410
    setTimeout handler*schedule index.esm.js:418
    callback index.esm.js:448

After review some examples, I fixed this issue through below code segments. It’s my pleasure to share with developers.

    const getValue = () => {
        const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);
        if (businessObject.eventDefinitions) {
            var eventDefinition = businessObject.eventDefinitions[0];
            var formalExpression = eventDefinition.get("condition");
            if (formalExpression) {
                return formalExpression.body;
            } else {
                return '';
        return '';


    const setValue = value => {
        const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);
        if (businessObject.eventDefinitions) {
            var eventDefinition = businessObject.eventDefinitions[0];

            const formalExpression = bpmnFactory.create("bpmn:FormalExpression", {
                body: value
            eventDefinition.set("condition", formalExpression);
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If you want to update properties on the BPMN elements that back up diagram shapes and connections (the business object), you can use the Modeling#updateModdleProperties API to do that.

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