Help help help! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times

from the web site ,i drowing an imgae and download it,we open it as a XML,
that 's i need file style;

i want use the project properties-panel in web site ,but when i drowed and download it ,opened it is this :

what shoud i do ,make the second download as the first file when the second project downing!!!

or which version of activiti i can use the second file to deployed to data Source

Now there’s a little bit of progress ,but the userTask ,i don’t know how to modify it


I understand neither the title of this topic nor the question you’re asking. Can you try again?

Hint: Help help help ! doesn’t lead to quicker answers.

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donwload program.bpmn can’t deployed success when used at program used activiti7 ; when deployed it ,it only insert to act_re_deployment and act_ge_bytearray , act_re_prodef can’t insert success !!!

I still don’t understand your question but I think it might be about XML namespaces and prefixes:

Thanks. The problem is solved ,

What was the problem?

schame Constraint problem

I don’t know what that is.

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