Hacktoberfest! Contribute to Open Source!

Hi Community Folks!


Hacktoberfest is a global event that encourages and rewards contributing to open-source projects.

This year we take part with our projects, which means you may contribute to our Camunda and bpmn.io projects. Improve them, one pull request at a time, and win a prize!

The key points are:

  • Hacktoberfest runs October 1-31
  • Submit two pull requests to one of our public repositories to earn the t-shirt
  • During the venue, we’ll support you via GitHub and our forums to help you out
  • We welcome newer or less experienced coders to get involved
  • The Camunda Comrades are of course especially welcomed and encouraged to participate themselves :blush:

Find more details on the Camunda Hacktoberfest landing page.

I hope we can get a create showing from our community!