Getting duplicate property error bpmn schema

We have two tasks - option and input. Also, we have common properties for in schemas of both tasks like doEnter. So, we define the same doEnter property in both schemas in xml.

< task name =“hello” voice:taskType=“Option” doEnter = true />

< task name=“goodbye” voice:taskType=“Input” doEnter = false />

Input schema:
“name”: “input”,
“uri”: “some-company/schema/bpmn/input”,
“$schema”: “”,
“prefix”: “usrInput”,
“xml”: {. “tagAlias”: “lowercase” },
“types”: [
“name” : “ inputTask”,
“extends” : [
“properties”: [
“ name”: “DoEnter”,
“description”: “ xyz “,
“isAttr”: true,
“type”: Boolean
“enumerations”: [],
“associations”: []

Option schema:
“name”: “option”,
“uri”: “some-company/schema/bpmn/option”,
“$schema”: “”,
“prefix”: “usrOpt”,
“xml”: {
“tagAlias”: “lowercase”
“types” : [
“ name” : “optionTask”,
“extends” : [
“ bpmn:UserTask”
“properties”: [
“name”: “DoEnter”,
“description”: “ abc “,
“isAttr” : true,
“type”: Boolean
“enumerations”: [],
“associations”: []

So, while creating the option and input task on bpmn diagram , we are getting following error:

property already defined; override of < usrOpt:userInputOptionTask# usrOpt:doEnter> by < usrInput:userInputTask#useInput:doEnter> not allowed without redefines