Get error in connecting programmatically a Task and a DSR object

in my code, I create a task obj task and connect it to a DSR obj.

var modeling = modeler.get('modeling');
var elementFactory = modeler.get('elementFactory');
var clientWidth = document.getElementById('js-drop-zone').clientWidth;
const x_task = clientWidth/2 - task_width/2;
var current_Y = 30;
// place Task element
const task = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:Task' });
modeling.createShape(task, { x: x_task, y: current_Y, width: task_width, height: task_height },
modeling.updateLabel(task, 'test');

const in_dsr = elementFactory.createShape({ type: 'bpmn:DataStoreReference' });
modeling.createShape(in_dsr, { x: x_task, y: current_Y - dsr_height - connect_length, width: 40, height: 40 },
modeling.connect(in_dsr, task);

When I run this code, the task and the in_dsr element are correctly displayed but when trying to connect them I get the following errors:

unhandled error in event listener


Uncaught (in promise) Error: no parent for DataInputAssociation_10bcwlc in __implicitroot
    findActualParent BpmnOrderingProvider.js:119
    getOrdering BpmnOrderingProvider.js:142
    OrderingProvider OrderingProvider.js:48
    invokeFunction EventBus.js:520
    _invokeListener EventBus.js:371
    _invokeListeners EventBus.js:352
    fire EventBus.js:313
    _fire CommandStack.js:356
    _internalExecute CommandStack.js:398
    execute CommandStack.js:153
    createConnection Modeling.js:242
    connect Modeling.js:85
    gotoDiagramSetup app_edit.js:69
    startEditedDiagram app_edit.js:83
    js app_edit.js:99
    Webpack 3

Thank you for your help.

For further assistance, please share a CodeSandbox that reproduces your issue in a way that we can inspect it. Thank you!

Have you imported a diagram? You shouldn’t have an element with the ID __implicitRoot in the diagram if you did.

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That was it! I have been adapting my project to a different use case and did not update the logic to call the importDiagram().
Thank you.