File open problem

If I am open a bpmn file(xml). it works fine, but then I click “create new diagram” button and open same file it not show the diagram. this problem raises in the current version.

Hello @Santhoshkumar,

could you be more explicit and mention where is this happening?


Yes I can. It is happening while trying to open the same BPMN diagram continuously. We will take a scenario for this.

i) I m opening a BPMN file named as mybpmn1.bpmn
ii) Then, clearing the diagram by clicking “Create new BPMN diagram”
iii) Now I m trying to open the same diagram mybpmn1.bpmn.

                  At this stage the diagram is not rendering into the working pane and to make it work we need to refresh the page.

Yes I could reproduce this in Thanks for the heads up, we’ll take a look at it.
