Exclusive gateway conditions not working

I am using exclusive gateway and on sequence lines i have added following conditions that calls function from service like this

next(null, this.environment.services.conditionFlowVarChk(this.environment.variables.ivrVar,\"myVar.key.code\",\"CCC\"));

and the xml

<sequenceFlow id=\"Flow_1bb2juj\" sourceRef=\"Gateway_0xe3hgk\" targetRef=\"Activity_02y8kmr\">\n      <conditionExpression xsi:type=\"tFormalExpression\" language=\"javascript\">next(null,this.environment.services.conditionFlowVarChk(this.environment.variables.ivrVar,\"myVar.key.code\",\"CCC\"));</conditionExpression>   </sequenceFlow>\n    

<sequenceFlow id=\"Flow_06cjcev\" sourceRef=\"Gateway_0xe3hgk\" targetRef=\"Activity_16q2nem\">\n      <conditionExpression xsi:type=\"tFormalExpression\" language=\"javascript\">next(null,this.environment.services.conditionFlowVarChk(this.environment.variables.ivrVar,\"myVar.key.code\",\"DC\"));</conditionExpression>    </sequenceFlow>

and the function

async function conditionFlowVarChk(ivrVar, variable, value) {

  let propInfo - <some_logic>
  return propInfo ? true : false;


now on the condition if conditionFlowVarChk returns the false still it execute the same flow. and does not check the other condition.

Am i missing something?

if u can help @nikku

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As it looks like though your question is not about the Camunda Platform? In that case consider another (more appropriate) place to ask your question.

Please provide more context if you are certain this is the right place to get an answer and we may be able to help you.

Thank you :sunny:

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oh sorry my mistake → question is realated to bpmn-engine actually!!

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