Event ContextPad Element


I want to achieve that when I click on an element in the ContextPad that an action is triggered. I already looked into the bpmn-js examples so I implemented a CustomContextPad and defined the following code.

if ((element.type === 'bpmn:SubProcess')){
            'append.outer-rect': {
                group: 'model',
                className: 'bpmn-icon-check-empty',
                title: translate('Append outer rect'),
                action: {
                    click: appendOuterRect(20)

It actually works fine but the click is triggered when I click on the element and also when I click on the element in the contextpad. How can I achieve that the appendOuterRect function is only executed when I click on the contextpad element?

Thanks in advance!

I found an easy solution:

if ((element.type === 'bpmn:SubProcess')){
            'append.outer-rect': {
                group: 'model',
                className: 'bpmn-icon-check-empty',
                title: translate('Append outer rect'),
                action: {
                    click: function(event){ // call your custom function


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