Error when trying to associate components (task/annotation)

I’m trying to create an association between a task and an annotation, how to do it, I’m getting errors like:

Error: no shape type specified
at ElementFactory.createElement (ElementFactory.js:168:13)
at ElementFactory.create (ElementFactory.js:129:15)
at ElementFactory.createConnection (ElementFactory.js:68:15)
at createConnectedAnnotation (CustomPalette.js:82:46)
at (CustomPalette.js:132:15)

Este é um trecho do codigo do meu componente Customizado:

export default class CustomPalette {
  constructor(bpmnFactory, create, elementFactory, palette, translate, modeling) {
    this.bpmnFactory = bpmnFactory;
    this.create = create;
    this.elementFactory = elementFactory;
    this.translate = translate;
    this.modeling = modeling;


  getPaletteEntries(element) {
    const {
    } = this;

    function getSelectedElementData() {
      const element = modeler._current.element; // Obtenha o elemento atualmente selecionado
      const elementData = {};

      // Exemplo: Acesse o nome e a descrição do elemento (pode variar dependendo das suas necessidades) =;
      elementData.description = element.businessObject.documentation && element.businessObject.documentation[0].text;

      return elementData;

    function createTask(suitabilityScore) {
      const businessObject = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Task');
      businessObject.suitable = suitabilityScore;
      const shape = elementFactory.createShape({
        type: 'bpmn:Task',
        businessObject: businessObject

      return shape;

    function createAnnotation(annotationText) {
      if (modeler) {
        const propertiesPanel = getSelectedElementData();
      const businessObject = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:TextAnnotation', {
        text: annotationText
      const annotation = elementFactory.createShape({
        type: 'bpmn:TextAnnotation',
        businessObject: businessObject,
        y: 80,
        width: 120,
        height: 70,
      return annotation;

    function createConnectedAnnotation(event, annotationText, task) {
      const annotation = createAnnotation(annotationText);
      create.start(event, [task, annotation]);
      // Create connection manually between task and annotation
      const connection = bpmnFactory.create('bpmn:Association', {
        source: task.businessObject,
        target: annotation.businessObject,
      // Add the connection to the modeler
      const connectionShape = elementFactory.createConnection(connection);

    return function (entries) {

      // delete entries['tool-separator'];
      delete entries['space-tool'];
      delete entries['lasso-tool'];
      // delete entries['global-connect-tool'];
      delete entries['create.task'];
      delete entries['create.subprocess-expanded'];
      delete entries['create.start-event'];
      delete entries[''];
      delete entries[''];
      delete entries['create.end-event'];
      delete entries['create.exclusive-gateway'];
      delete entries[''];
      delete entries['create.intermediate-event'];
      delete entries['create.participant-expanded'];
      delete entries['reate.intermediate-event'];
      delete entries['reate.intermediate-event'];
      delete entries['reate.intermediate-event'];

      // Add remaining entries to paletteEntries
      const paletteEntries = {
        ...entries, // Copy existing entries
        'create.low-task': {
          group: 'activity',
          title: translate('Cria uma Captação'),
          imageUrl: Captacao.dataURL,
          action: {
            dragstart: function (event) {
              const task = createTask(SUITABILITY_SCORE_LOW);
              const annotation = createAnnotation('Informe a descrição do componente');
              task.businessObject.documentation = [annotation.businessObject];
              create.start(event, [task, annotation]);

            click: function (event) {
               const task = createTask(SUITABILITY_SCORE_LOW);
              const annotation = createAnnotation('Informe a descrição do componente');             
              task.businessObject.documentation = [annotation.businessObject];
              create.start(event, [task, annotation]); */
              createConnectedAnnotation(event,'Informe a descrição do componente',task);


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Thanks :heart: