Embbed library in MobileApp

Hi. I am new in this JS world. Like to build App that make diagrams(Kitchen,Room,Tv Lounch), modify and save them.

Can I do so using BPMN.IO libray in my App? or it just work on websites.
A good guidness can save time in going right path.

with regards

How is your use case related to BPMN and process automation?

Problem is
1:Visit a house or apartment that have problem with walls or floor (kitchen,room or toilet)
2. Make the picture or video of the problem
3: Make diagram of the problem for example. toilet( length and Breadth). mark the problem area
4: Develop this in Mobile view

I have test step 1 and step 2 in PowerApps. Now making diagram of the toilet or kitchen and embedd it PowerApps or a separate app in JS that make diagram separate and then load in PowerApps and combine (Pic and Diagram) in the final rapport .

hope you understand the problem with thanks .

What I don’t understand is where BPMN comes into play.

May be I will study more BPMS .

On first eye I like to use BPMS in Step 3 of the above problem as given example in bpmn-js-nyan

Am I in right direction to understand BPMS in making diagrams or not?


BPMN is not about toilets or nyan cats. It’s about process automation. I still don’t see the connection. You might want to look for a more generic diagramming tool. bpmn-js is a domain-specific tool.

yes. got it. i will check some other tools .