Editable text/label

I’m trying to make the text of this svg component editable, but it never allows me to edit it, I’ve already tried several approaches, does anyone have any tips, follow my code:

import BaseRenderer from “diagram-js/lib/draw/BaseRenderer”;

import { append as svgAppend, attr as svgAttr, classes as svgClasses, create as svgCreate } from “tiny-svg”;

import { getRoundRectPath } from “bpmn-js/lib/draw/BpmnRenderUtil”;

import { getBusinessObject, is } from “bpmn-js/lib/util/ModelUtil”;

import { isNil } from “min-dash”;
import { Captacao, Poco, Reservatorio, Rio, UT } from “./Images”;

const HIGH_PRIORITY = 1500,
COLOR_GREEN = ‘#52B415’,
COLOR_YELLOW = ‘#ffc800’,
COLOR_RED = ‘#cc0000’;

export default class CustomRenderer extends BaseRenderer {
constructor(eventBus, bpmnRenderer) {
super(eventBus, HIGH_PRIORITY);

this.bpmnRenderer = bpmnRenderer;


canRender(element) {
console.log('canRender ’ + element.type)
// ignore labels
return !element.labelTarget;

drawShape(parentNode, element) {
console.log('drawShape ’ + element.type)
const shape = this.bpmnRenderer.drawShape(parentNode, element);

const suitabilityScore = this.getSuitabilityScore(element);

if (!isNil(suitabilityScore)) {
  console.log('entrooou ' + suitabilityScore)
  const color = this.getColor(suitabilityScore);
  const image = this.getCustomImage(suitabilityScore);

  const rect = drawRect(parentNode, 50, 20, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS, color);
  svgAttr(rect, {
    transform: 'translate(-20, -10)'

  const img = svgCreate('image', {
    x: 0,
    y: 0,
    width: element.width,
    height: element.height,
    href: image,
  svgAppend(parentNode, img);

  const text = svgCreate('text');

  svgAttr(text, {
    fill: '#fff',
    transform: 'translate(-15, 5)'


  svgAppend(text, document.createTextNode(suitabilityScore));

  svgAppend(parentNode, text);

return shape;


getShapePath(shape) {
console.log('getShapePath ')
if (is(shape, ‘bpmn:Task’)) {
return getRoundRectPath(shape, TASK_BORDER_RADIUS);

return this.bpmnRenderer.getShapePath(shape);


getSuitabilityScore(element) {
console.log('getSuitabilityScore ’ + element.type)
const businessObject = getBusinessObject(element);

const { suitable } = businessObject;

return Number.isFinite(suitable) ? suitable : null;


getColor(suitabilityScore) {
console.log('getColor ’ + suitabilityScore)
if (suitabilityScore > 75) {
} else if (suitabilityScore > 25) {

return COLOR_RED;


getCustomImage(suitabilityScore) {
console.log('getCustomImagem ’ + suitabilityScore)
if (suitabilityScore == 100) {
return Reservatorio.dataURL;
} else if (suitabilityScore == 25) {
return Captacao.dataURL;
} else if (suitabilityScore == 15) {
return Poco.dataURL;
else if (suitabilityScore == 5) {
return Rio.dataURL;
else if (suitabilityScore == 50) {
return UT.dataURL;

// return Captacao.dataURL;



CustomRenderer.$inject = [‘eventBus’, ‘bpmnRenderer’];

// helpers //////////

// copied from bpmn-js/lib/draw/BpmnRenderer.js at main · bpmn-io/bpmn-js · GitHub
function drawRect(parentNode, width, height, borderRadius, color) {
const rect = svgCreate(‘rect’);

svgAttr(rect, {
width: width,
height: height,
rx: borderRadius,
ry: borderRadius,
stroke: color,
strokeWidth: 2,
fill: color

svgAppend(parentNode, rect);

return rect;

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Thanks :heart: