Drawing a Task rectangle in custom event listeners

I’m customising bpmn-js modeler to draw a (Task) rectangle when the user dragover and drops a custom module element in the canvas. Note that with module I don’t mean an ES module but simply a collection of operations to be performed on given input files.

In app.js, I’m customising the dragover and drop listeners

  function handleDroppedModule(e) {
 // it loads a bpmn diagram with only a start event circle in it

    // the dropped module
    var activeModule = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('moduleObj'));
    var moduleName = activeModule.name; 

    // function that reads the module name and redirect the user to input and output file settings
    // drawing the Task rectangle
    var taskshape = elementFactory.createShape(assign({ type: 'bpmn: Task' }));
    create.start(event, taskshape);

  function handleDragOver(e) {
   // TBD 
  // dragover and drop listeners
  container.get(0).addEventListener('dragover', handleDragOver, false);
  container.get(0).addEventListener('drop', handleDroppedModule, false);

I’ve analysed how the PaletteModule fires the dragstart and click events: lots of different files are involved in the workflow generated, both in the init phase and then in the drop handling. I’ve isolated the two lines of code which I believe I need to draw the Task rectangle.

var taskshape = elementFactory.createShape(assign({ type: 'bpmn: Task' }));
create.start(event, taskshape);

How can I use an ElementFactory instance and the create() method in my custom handlers?

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Have you had a look at the examples page? There are plenty of projects which show how to create custom modules. Generally, I’d consider it to be a better starting point for using bpmn-js than the demo website.