I’m trying to extend dmn-js. I have followed following link to setup project locally
https://github.com/bpmn-io/dmn-js/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md ( Setting up the project locally)
After our changes, we followed the following steps to test with our application
- dmn-js/npm run travis
- cd dmn-js/packages
- created npm links for all the 5 packages (dmn-js/packages/dmn-js-*)
- from my project root (/foo_project), I have linked them using npm link <> (Repeated for all dmn-js 5 packages)
- from my foo_project/style.css imported all css files that are insdie dmn-js/packages/dmn-js/dist/assets
issue: Styles sheets not applied properly. as we investigated whereever dmn-js-* styles sheets used “var” is not working. If we fall back to npm install dmn-js, style sheets are working, but if we include dmn-js-extension, var is not working.
Question did we follow correct steps to setup our development environment?
btw we have changed rollup.clonfig.js
const distros = [
input: 'Viewer',
output: 'dmn-viewer'
input: 'NavigatedViewer',
output: 'dmn-navigated-viewer'
input: 'Modeler',
output: 'dmn-modeler'
input: 'extension/ViewerExt',
output: 'dmn-viewer-ext'
input: 'extension/ModelerExt',
output: 'dmn-modeler-ext'
const configs = distros.reduce(function(configs, distro) {
const {
} = distro;
return [
input: `./src/${input}.js`,
output: {
name: 'DmnJS',
file: `${outputDir}/${output}.development.js`,
format: 'umd'
plugins: pgl([
input: `./src/${input}.js`,
output: {
name: 'DmnJS',
file: `${outputDir}/${output}.production.min.js`,
format: 'umd'
plugins: pgl([
banner(output, true),
output: {
comments: /license|@preserve/
}, []);