Disable id field

simply i just want to disable the process id input in the general tab here:

Do you want to disable it in certain conditions or do you want to remove the field completely?

all the time, no certain conditions, disable it or remove it @Niklas_Kiefer

That’s possible via a custom properties provider. You can find a possible solution inside this CodeSandbox.

function CustomPropertiesProvider(propertiesPanel) {
  propertiesPanel.registerProvider(LOW_PRIORITY, this);

  this.getTabs = function (element) {
    return function (tabs) {
      const general = tabs.find(({ id }) => id === "general");

      if (!general) {
        return tabs;

      const generalGroup = general.groups.find(({ id }) => id === "general");

      if (!generalGroup) {
        return tabs;

      const idEntry = generalGroup.entries.find(({ id }) => id === "id");

      if (is(element, "bpmn:Process") && idEntry) {
        generalGroup.entries.splice(generalGroup.entries.indexOf(idEntry), 1);

      return tabs;