Diagram patterns

I would like to have bpmn diagrams available as process patterns that can be used to model a new process without re-design them. Is there a way to have a library of process patterns? or do you have ideas on how to proceed?thanks

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Hi @Lory76,

recently I built a modeler plugin which creates a palette entry with a collection of combined and preconfigured BPMN elements. It may serve as an example.

You can find it here: https://github.com/ingorichtsmeier/camunda-modeler-plugin-connected-elements

Hope this helps, Ingo

thank you @Ingo_Richtsmeier, it is a way to proceed but so you have to know the patterns before doing the diagram. instead I thought that the user can save a diagram fragment (that represents the pattern) in a library, and then use it in other diagrams. has anyone developed anything like this?

This sounds like a cool feature. I’ve thought about this idea, too. The ability to create multiple elements at once which would be required for this feature has only been added recently. I might build a prototype of such a feature in the future.

I have seen this feature in another open source modeler and i found it very useful: there is the possibility to save a diagram as “fragment”, then it is saved in a library. Then, in the modeler you can drag and drop the fragment diagram in the canvas directly from the fragments library.
I hope you will have news about this features in the future.

This is exactly how I imagine the feature. :+1:

Hi @Lory76,

in the meantime you can open the model in another tab of the modeler, copy and paste it into your original model.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Hi @philippfromme, have you build anything about this idea?