Diagram.bpmn implememntation in java

I want to handle the process workflow of diagram.bpmn.xml which created by https://demo.bpmn.io/ in java using workflow engine. which engine will be compatible to read and process the diagram.bpmn.xml in java?

Hi @sonali,

you have to add technical properties to execute the process model in the Camunda BPM Platform.

Have a look at the docs for further details: https://docs.camunda.org/get-started/bpmn20/model/#configure-a-user-task

You need the camunda modeler (https://camunda.org/download/modeler/) for this as demo.bpmn.io didn’t support the property panel.

Hope this helps,


(https://camunda.org/download/modeler/) this gives me desktop application. I need the editor to create workflow in my web application where my website users can create workflow and i can handle it in java