custompanel prompt wrong

unhandled error in event listenerimage

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use this example

It’s run error, But I am using react

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immutable-meadow-jrwsq - CodeSandbox

this example click bpm:startEvent is error


since bpmn-js-properties-panel 0.37.0, the entryFactory.textField(...) method needs to be called with two arguments: translate and options (see CHANGELOG).

So if you change

        id: "spell",
        description: "Apply a black magic spell",
        label: "Spell",
        modelProperty: "spell"


entryFactory.textField(translate, {
        id: "spell",
        description: "Apply a black magic spell",
        label: "Spell",
        modelProperty: "spell"

it should work.

Update: I just realized that the example needs to be updated :+1:
Update2: I opened an issue for this (link) and we will update the example to reflect the API change. Thanks for highlighting the issue!

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