Customizing exclusive gateway in REACT


I want to remove the ‘X’ mark which is inside of an exclusive gateway. I want to make that gateway just look like a triangle with nothing embedded inside of it. How can I do that in REACT?

Refer to this.

Following this guide, and you need custom drawShape function to remove ‘X’

    drawShape(parentNode: SVGElement, element: Shape): SVGElement {
        const shape = this.bpmnRenderer.drawShape(parentNode, element);
        // because 'X' is child of parentNode, remove it
        while (parentNode.firstChild) {

        return shape;

@milhlhat Please do not necrobump old topics.

Anyway, the library supports rendering the gateway without x marker, so it’s possible to simply set the isMarkerVisible property of the BPMN (DI) element to false. That should be easier than redefining functions or modifying the graphics.